Voting Machine Mess-up Du Jour (Displayed 08/05/04)

Richmond, Virginia. February, 2004. Hart Intercivic.
eSlate inexplicably shut down.

One of the eSlate paperless voting machines inexplicably shut down during the election.

City Registrar Kirk Showalter said both sets of machines worked well, with one exception. The eSlate machines at the Hermitage shut down at about 3:30 p.m. when the unit that controlled them "fried." While that unit was being replaced, about a dozen voters had to use paper ballots, she said.*

* Polling places report light turnout here. Times-Dispatch. February 11, 2004. By Will Jones, Staff Writer.

See: Hart in the News

... the system we have for testing and certifying
voting equipment in this country
is not only broken, but is virtually nonexistent.
~ Michael Shamos
to the U.S. House Science subcommittee
on June 24, 2004