Voting Machine Mess-up Du Jour (Displayed 09/14/04)

Rockville, Maryland. September, 2004. Diebold
Touch screen demo fails the Senator's test.

The sensitive Diebold TS touch screen registered U.S. Senator Mikulski's vote incorrectly during a demonstration at a local festival.*

Mikulski got a firsthand look at possible voting mistakes when she tried out an AccuVote TS touch screen machine Sunday at a folk festival in Takoma Park.

But as Mikulski voted on a mock referendum question, her hand inadvertently grazed the screen and cast a "yes" vote for another mock question, according to Morrill, who stood next to her as she tested the machine.

Mikulski, who had planned to vote "no" on the question, tried to push the "no" button to change her vote, but the machine didn't make the change. She eventually was able to correct the ballot.

[Mikulski's aide Michael Morrill] said ... the example reinforces her belief that a voter moving quickly through a ballot could inadvertently cast the wrong vote.

* Senator backs voting machine bill after firsthand experience with glitch. SFGate. September 13, 2004. By Stephen Manning.

See: Diebold in the News

There's really no way
that I could prove to a voter,
post tally, that their vote
exactly counted the way that they voted it.
~ James M. Ries Jr.
President of Microvote