Give 'orange alert' a new meaning!

*** NEXT WALK-OUT: Friday, Jan 28, 12:15 - 12:45 (local time)***

* Disturbing information is coming from Ohio, and elsewhere.
* The mainstream media are mostly ignoring the struggle for election integrity.
* Phone calls and letters to the editor aren't helping to get coverage.
* Citizens and elected officials who are investigating need more support.

Organize and participate in short walk-outs on designated days

Tuesdays and Fridays, 12:15 - 12:45 (local time)

Wherever you are, walk outside, wear something orange, carry a sign, or hand out informational leaflets about the election problems. Invite friends to join you.

[Download and print this four-up leaflet on orange paper.]

The Ukraine did it, can we?

* Draw media attention
* Generate momentum and provide an action we all can participate in
* Show support for on-going investigations
* Show support for politicians advocating election integrity

Spread the word!

* Ask national organizations to spread the word