Voting Machine Mess-up Du Jour

Georgetown County, South Carolina. November, 2004. Unilect.
Phantom votes appear in the electronic totals.

Initial tallies showed 64 more ballots cast than the recount showed.*

The first recount was required after it was determined that Johnson or incumbent board candidate John Spears could have won the final seat on the board, instead of Bob Jewell. Four seats were open on the eight-member board.

... After Friday's recount, the number of total votes cast in the election changed from 25,848 to 25,784.

"Everybody's numbers went down," Johnson said, "including the school board."

Bailey then called for a second recount, but the S.C. Election Commission advised against it, he said.

"The S.C. Election Commission said we had satisfied the rules," Bailey said. "They advised us not to do it. Sixty-four ballots didn't show up, but I can't explain it. I know we counted every vote."

VotersUnite followed up with the Georgetown Election Commission's office. The recount was done by re-accumulating the results from the machine's cartridges. After comparing the poll books with the number of ballots in the recount, the commission determined that the initial count had contained too many ballots.

* Protest, complaint filed over board race and poll workers' conduct. The Sun News. November 10, 2004. By Kelly Marshall.

News stories make it rapidly apparent that
electronic voting is not reliable, accurate, or secure.
Any one who claims otherwise is either uninformed or deceptive.
~ Joseph Holder