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We were encouraged earlier this year when two states announced their plans to do a complete review of their voting system. California has now completed their “Top-To-Bottom Review” and has taken action on all but the three Document Review papers that have yet to be released. Ohio got off to a slow start with their “Evaluation and Validation of Election Related Equipment, Standards and Testing” (EVEREST). It’s hard to figure out what is happening and how valid this project will now be. The State Controlling Board has now given SoS Brunner the money she needs to conduct the project but they have thrown in some questionable requirements. Local election officials now have an advisory role in the testing and a say in any recommendations. The Board has also provided the technical testing standards that will be used and requires participants in the study to have insurance to make sure counties don't have to pay to repair or replace any machines damaged by tests. Two weeks ago they were concerned about the bias of some academics who were involved in the project. Now they are building bias into the whole system.


NAtional: Voting system requirements should be technology-neutral



NAtional: Civil Rights Groups Oppose Nomination of Hans von Spakovsky to FEC



CA: San Francisco – Editorial - Polling purgatory



GA: Opinion - Voter ID still stinks



MS: Editorial - Voter ID will have limited impact



NH: Computerized Voting lawsuit against NH and 9 other states: Who is behind it and why?



NJ: Election reform bill slowed by problems



NY: Lifton takes tough stance on voting machine reassignment



OH: Ohio voting machine tests approved



OH: Brunner Ok'd by Ohio Lawmakers to Climb EVEREST



OH: Bipartisan panel to test voting machines



OH: Summit County - Ruling awaited on late ballots; absentee tally begins



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