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'Daily Voting News' For February 29, 2008


As hard as Sequoia must have had to search they actually found a way to blame the problem found on their machines in New Jersey on the poll worker. I am duly impressed. They even appear to admit that they stopped looking after they were able to figure out a way to blame the poor poll worker for the problem. “We identified a way in which poll worker error can result in the party turnout totals to be reported incorrectly.” Did they look for any other potential answers for the problem? They don’t say. Remember that the problem was the vote counts were correct, as far as anyone can know from a DRE, but the party totals did not match between the internal memory and the internal paper record. There were one or two Republican votes registered as being Democratic votes or vice versa. This only happened on 59 machines in 6 counties. Sequoia claims there was some special machinations poll workers used inside the control panel that allows them to the R or D ballot for each voter. How did these machinations result in a different report on electronic memory from the paper memory? Also, why did it only happen once or twice on each machine? If a poll worker was making an error in the process why didn’t that error happen much more often?? I have, again, requested that the EAC do their jobs and notify any potentially affected jurisdictions outside of New Jersey of this problem. They will ignore this problem as they have all previous problems with voting systems. Election officials in Pennsylvania counties that use these machines need to be made aware of the issues. Please pass on the word.


 Late this afternoon it was reported that the first two pretests of Cuyahoga Co Ohio’s new ES&S optical-scan machines were failures. The computer showed error messages during the first two tests. The third test was successful. What? Me Worry?


NAtional: High voter turnout prompts resource concerns for Nov.



NAtional: Get out the pencils: Paper ballots return



CO: Coffman recertifies paper-ballot machines



CO: Clerks rejoice at machines' recertification



CO: Boulder County's election equipment recertified



CO: Boulder County voting machines get OK

Secretary of state clears way to use Hart InterCivic machines



CO: Morgan County - Paper ballots? If so, clerks want mail-in



FL: Touch-screen voting machines destined for parts recycler



FL: Sarasota County - Sarasota 13: If the tests can't find it, never mind it?



IN: Grant County – Editorial - Fewer polling sites a great idea for county



KS: Legislation brings potential for satellite voting in Ford County



NJ: Company explains voting machine errors



NM: Herrera: Human Error, Revised Lists At Fault For Caucus Troubles



OH: Ohio elections chief: Primary will be smooth, have huge turnout



OH: Sec. of State Brunner predicts huge turnout Tuesday



OH: Absentee voting could top prior high



OH: Brunner expects big turnout Tuesday



OH: Ohio Voter Mugging 2008: OEJC Announces Quarantine That Machine Initiative



OH: Get out your pencils: Paper ballots make a return



OH: Brunner tosses Cunningham off statewide board



OH: Brunner Proposes Reforms



OH: Republicans Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner removed from elections boards cry foul

Brunner defends vote-board moves



OH: Cuyahoga County - 2 Of 3 Tests Of New Ballot Scanners Fail



OH: Cuyahoga vote board stumbles in vote count test



OH: Stark County - Voters have choice of paper ballot or plastic voting machine



PA: Absentee ballot printing delayed in Westmoreland



TX: Upshur County - Upshur disabled voters in peril, state official says

Ruling against county's Republican Party could mean rights violation



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