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'Daily Voting News' For June 12, 2008


Voting systems are tested for federal certification by a “Voting Systems Test Lab” (VSTL) against the voting systems standards. So, one would expect, that if a voting system fails to meet the standards it fails testing and cannot be certified. One would expect. However, the voting systems standards give the vendors and the VSTLs an out. B.5 of Appendix B of Volume II of the 2002 VSS and the 2005 VVSG says, “….any uncorrected deficiency that does not involve the loss or corruption of voting data shall not necessarily be cause for rejection”. A Premier voting system was recently recommended for certification by Systest, one of the VSTLs. In the test report Systest reported 79 discrepancies. 77 of those discrepancies were serious but fell within the B.5 “get out of jail free card”. Two of the 79 were serious discrepancies that report loss of data and are not covered by the “get out of jail free card”. Yet, the system was recommended for certification and the EAC is considering following that recommendation. (See article immediately below)


NAtional: Voting System Standards: All Form and No Substance



AR: CabinWindow: Elections

They have to be right



AR: White County – Opinion -  In search of devotion



AZ: Voters' advocates blast plan to cut sample ballots



FL: Duval County - Possible record turnout means lots of preparation



GA: Georgia preparing for busy elections

Officials expect a high voter turnout and are reviewing their systems.



ND: Voters scarce in ND primary: 20.6 percent turnout



OH: More volleys over Project Everest



OH: Secretary of State Brunner says she'll keep pushing legislature on voting issues



PA: Centre County - Cost concerns top debate

Voting machine opponents say change would save money



PA: Schuylkill County - Schuylkill officials trade accusations



TN: Editorial - Tennessee going back to paper ballots, and that's a good thing



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