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'Daily Voting News' For September 03, 2008


Just as an example of how screwed-up are Florida election laws yesterday Indian River Co.’s Canvassing Board approved the primary election results. Hopefully the reader will recall that Indian River had over 5000 ballots that were counted twice because someone decided to do a test in the middle of a real election and then failed to properly remove the results in that test. The result was ballots from 40 polling sites that were counted twice. Luckily an observant poll worker realized the totals for her site were double what they should have been. She pointed out the mistake and the county found their error. Tomorrow the board must do a state mandated audit to ensure their voting machines were correctly counting the votes. If the poll worker hadn’t been observant and if this audit were to find the problem, or any other problem that might exist with the vote count, NOTHING can/could be done because the results have already been approved by the Canvassing Board. One has to wonder what some officials in Florida are thinking when they make stupid rules. This audit is newly mandated. Why didn’t they mandate it to happen before canvassing the election? Post election audits are great. We need them everywhere and following every election but they have to be timed in such a way as to mean something if problems are found. If they don’t have a purpose (to ensure the votes were properly counted) then they are a waste of tax money.


National: America Wants YOU to be a Poll Worker

Research shows how poll workers on the front lines of elections affect voter confidence.



AZ: 11,500 votes in Pima County not counted; final results released Thursday

Maricopa County has 43,000 still to be counted



AZ: Still 43,000 ballots uncounted in Maricopa County



AZ: Pima County vote count slowed by hand-delivery



CA: CA Appeals Court Strikes Down Ten Percent Ballot Audit



FL: Florida Loses Votes, Again; Fall Election Process in Question



FL: Local activist candidate for Broward Election Supervisor denied access to ballot recount



FL: Despite problems with vote totals, Indian River County Canvassing Board approves primary election results



FL: Palm Beach County – Editorial - The ballots are missing, so start finding answers



FL: Palm Beach County - Recount end: Tallying totals by hand on legal pad



FL: Palm Beach County - Election count errors under review



FL: Palm Beach County - 3,400 Ballots Missing in Florida Election: Recount Flips Race



FL: Palm Beach County - Losing Candidate Vows Legal Fight Over Vote Discrepancy



FL: Palm Beach County - State may give Palm Beach County more time to solve mystery of 3,400 missing ballots



FL: St. Lucie's canvassing board to audit voting equipment



KS: Sedgwick County - Advance voting key to short waits at the polls



NC: Craven County - Additional one-stop voting sites not intended to be permanent, official says



NY: Niagara County - Changing the vote



OH: Licking County - Voter registration system to change

County BOE: Switch won't affect November election



OH: Summit County - Secretary of state to break tie on absentee voting hours



TN: Opinion - Right to vote too important to trust electronic voting machines



UT: Eat My Vote: Election officials have no fear about the latest voting machine glitch. Others aren’t so sure.



VA: Warning for College Student Voters



Guam: Voting machines still an option, if they comply with provisions



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