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More Bugs Show up in Florida
First the audit bugs last summer, now bugs in the ballots and the vote-recording.

Broward County, Florida. One of the two items on the March 8 ballot failed to appear on the screen for many of the voters who participated in the Parallel Election Project.

What we discovered was that in the Parallel Election 16 voters signed, wrote and testified that the Commissioner Race was missing on their ballot. That only the Gambling Amendment was included in their ballot.

Out of 125 Ballots we had 1 voter who testified the Gambling Race was not on their ballot. Ladies and Gentlemen, thanks to the Parallel Election Project we were lucky enough to catch that voter in order to prove the reason for the only machine under vote.

Less than 1% of the voters had no Gambling issue on the ballot, but between 13-14% were missing the Commissioner’s Race! And as mentioned previously the Pro-Gambling group paid for the election.

Miami-Dade County, Florida. A computer error failed to count votes during the March 8 special election, calling into question five other local elections.*

Electronic voting machines tossed out hundreds of ballots during this month's special election on slot machines -- and elections workers have traced the same computer error to five other municipal elections in the past 12 months.

...The department has identified five questionable municipal races: West Miami, Bay Harbor Island and Surfside as well as a February election in Golden Beach and a January vote on incorporating Cutler Ridge.

The electronic voting machines showed a total of 1,246 undervotes for the March 8 slots referendum, while there were only 61 on the absentee ballots. Since there was only one item on the ballot, undervotes in this case mean the ballots were completely blank.

According to Miami-Dade Elections Supervisor Constance Kaplan:

Of the electronic undervotes, 477 could be blamed on an faulty computer program that should have protected people's votes even if they didn't press the flashing red button that finalizes the process.

In those cases, poll workers are supposed to insert a cartridge that tells the machine to count a "Yes" or "No" vote. But the bad coding told the machines to ignore the voter's selection.

The blaming began immediately:

Kaplan called it human error. Two election supervisors have been reassigned. She also blamed Elections System & Software, which makes the iVotronic. Kaplan said a project manager with ES&S failed to detect the coding problem.

In a statement, ES&S wrote: "Ultimate responsibility for all aspects of an election lies with the county . . . Under no circumstances would we ever have recommended this change to this particular default setting. In fact, we train election workers against it."

The following day, Kaplan resigned as Elections Supervisor.**

* Voting glitches found in 6 recent elections. Miami Herald. March 31, 2005. By Tere Figueras Negrete and Noaki Schwartz.

** Miami-Dade elections supervisor quits amid pressure over voting snafus. Miami Herald. March 31, 2005. By Noaki Schwartz.

News stories make it rapidly apparent that
electronic voting is not reliable, accurate, or secure.
Any one who claims otherwise is either uninformed or deceptive.
~ Joseph Holder

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