When people try to make elections issues into a partisan issue we always tell them it’s not partisan; it’s about democracy. Actually it is very hard not to be partisan because we all are one way or another. It’s also not easy to be non-issue oriented. Some have said that because we feel a particular way about certain legislation that “Daily Voting News” will be used as our ‘bully-pulpit’ to spread the word only about our view point while stifling the other side. Well, we are not Fox News Network. There’s a disclaimer at the bottom of every DVN that says that our view may not always match the views given in the articles we link to. That’s because we post articles from all over and we don’t take sides when we post. In fact, about the only things that I have consciously left out of DVN are articles that attack people or organizations that are in the Election Integrity community. If there are few articles posted that meet your particular view point it’s because none were written or I could not find them in my normal search places. Write an article/blog and get it posted somewhere and let me know. I’ll post it.
NAtional: Panelists allege election tampering
NAtional: The Missing 2nd Step in High Tech Voting
AZ: Pima County - RTA lawyer: It's too late to challenge vote
Dems, Pima seeking probe of possible rigging
AZ: Pima County - State to look at RTA election
Dems, county official want investigation of tampering suggestions
CA: Columnist - Democracy lifeblood flows on paper
CA: Monterey County – Commentary - Keeping an eye on the count
MS: Editorial - Voter ID needed in Mississippi
OH: Columbiana County - Vote Board: Petitions available
PA: Washington County - Campaign 2007/Washington: Written vote countin prothonotary race heads to court
TN: Sevier County - Attorney says alleging fraud is 'serious'
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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