It has now been well over a year since we have bothered you with a plea for funds to keep our work going. We are proud to announce that we have been accepted as an activity under the auspices of International Humanities Center [] and, as such, any donations to VotersUnite are now tax deductible. We have appreciated the assistance that we have gotten in the past and will likewise appreciate any help you can give in the future. “Daily Voting News” and the data gathering and report writing that we do all take a lot of time and we know from comments from all of you that you use our work in your work. Please help us to continue to help you. Go to and give generously. Thank you
NAtional: Justice Department actions expected to draw congressional scrutiny
NAtional: Peering Through Chinks in the Armor of High-Tech Elections
FL: Opinion - Election reform,0,3163383.story?coll=sfla-news-letters
IA: Auditors worried about same-day registration
NC: Pender County adding voting precincts
NJ: Justice Department To Monitor N.J., Elections
NJ: Turnout in Tuesday's election expected to be low
NJ: Warren County - A primary example of election credibility
NY: Montgomery County - Amsterdam voters forced to go to one polling site
**Articles included in “Daily Voting News” may not all reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or its allied organizations. These articles are all included for the information of the subscribers of “Daily Voting News” though we realize that the subscribers may not agree with the opinions given in all articles**
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