Today’s news finds a scathing review of the Senate’s answer to the Holt Bill, HR-811. Senator Feinstein’s S-1487 was supposed to be the repository for fixes to the Holt bill; or that’s what the Election Integrity community was being told all along. However, S-1487 is a terrible response to problems the voters have been facing. Also in the news, Sarasota Co. has formally announced their plans to scrap their ES&S iVotronic DREs in favor of Diebold optical-scan machines and AutoMark ballot marking devices.
NAtional: The Usability of Electronic Voting Machines and How Votes Can Be Changed Without Detection
NAtional: Senator Feinstein's Election Reform Bill: A Constitutional Heresy
An Anaylsis by a Leading Election Integrity Advocate Charges That Where Rep. Rush Holt's House Bill on Election Reform Poses Dangers to Democracy, A New Bill Introduced in the Senate is Even Far Worse...
NAtional: Pam Smith of Verified Voting, The Latest of Many Election Integrity Advocates to Mislead Americans About the Holt Election Reform Bill
NAtional: Kucinich to Withdraw Co-Sponsorship of Holt Election Reform Bill
NAtional: Coalition of Election and Computer Experts Ask Congress to Vote No on H.R. 811
NAtional: Slow down verifiable-ballot legislation
Election officials need time, resources to make changes
FL: FL-13 - Florida 13th Investigation Could Extend to 2008 According to GAO
FL: Miami-Dade County - Paper-trail vote machines closer in Dade
FL: Sarasota County – Press Release - Sarasota County, Florida, To Replace Touch Screen Voting Machines With Diebold Election Systems' Optical Scan and AutoMARK(TM) Voting Solutions,121106.shtml
FL: Sarasota County - Sarasota goes with paper vote trail
GA: Approachable Handel may go even higher
GA: Picture ID now required at Georgia polls
MN: Township officials discuss voting machine issue
MN: Austin - Board mulls election changes
OH: Cuyahoga County - Interim election director stays
New Board of Elections votes, 3-1, for Jane Platten
TX: Roger Williams stepping down as secretary of state
Puerto Rico: Puerto Rico voting ban lands USA in international court: 6th in a 21st Century American Colonies series
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