According to an article on BradBlog a recent study by a doctoral candidate at Rice University found that approximately two-thirds of voters failed to notice malicious changes made to their DRE review screens during mock election testing. Approximately two-thirds of another group of voters failed to notice vote swapping that took place on their review screen. If two-thirds of voters do not review the review screen when voting on a DRE what makes anyone believe that voters will verify a voter verified paper audit trail printed by a printer on the side of their machine? Also the EAC announced today that they have terminated the interim accreditation of Ciber Labs due to a lack of required notification of key personnel changes. Wyle notified the EAC that Shawn Sounthworth left Ciber and went to work for them. Ciber apparently forgot to make that notification.
NAtional: Study: Two-Thirds of Voters Fail to Notice Vote-Flipping on Touch-Screen DRE Voting Systems
NAtional: Commission Votes to Terminate CIBER Interim Accreditation
NAtional: The U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) has voted to release more than 40,000 pages of documents…….
NAtional: Casting Ballot From Abroad Is No Sure Bet
NAtional: Commentary - Vote-Fraud Demagogues
NAtional: Obama Raises Concerns Over FEC Nominee’s Record of Partisanship
NAtional: The Campaign For Secure Elections
NAtional: US board rejects e-voting test lab application
AK: Yup'ik voters need more, lawsuit says
Oral, written help at polls lacks, ACLU claims.
FL: FL-13 - D-13 race resolution could be months away
FL: Martin County - Electronic voting with paper trail coming to Martin County,2545,TCP_16736_5582664,00.html
FL: Orange County - Orange budget allots $2.2M for voting machines
Commissioners approve next year's election spending and delay fire-hydrant repairs.,0,6030714.story?coll=orl-news-headlines-orange
FL: Sarasota County - Sidelined congressional hopeful takes on election reform
MD: Annapolis - Plan aims to ease voting
Moyer proposes use of provisional ballots in Annapolis elections,0,4800536.story?coll=bal-local-arundel
ME: Waldboro - Absentee Ballots Reduce Lines in Waldoboro
OH: Cuyahoga County - Elections Board Swears In New Director
Platten Replaces Former BOE Director Michael Vu
WV: Counties: Paper ballots for referenda easier, cheaper
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