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Happy Thanksgiving to all. Enjoy the holiday with family and friends.&&& Advanced Voting Solutions (AVS) which has sold voting machines in three Pennsylvania counties and much of the state of Virginia has finally been notified that if they do not tell the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) their plans for their voting system modifications by next Tuesday they will have all certification testing cancelled by order of the EAC. The modification was to the machines as they are used in PA so it probably won’t affect the Virginia counties. However, at least one of the PA counties, Northampton, has warned the vendor that they will be taking them to court for breach of contract among other charges. Perhaps the other two PA counties will join in this action now that it appears they will be left holding millions of dollars worth of worthless voting machines that have only been used in three elections. This is a clear indication, when teamed with lawsuits against ES&S announced by the state of California and the city of San Francisco that the tables may finally be turning against the arrogance and deceptive practices of the vendors.


NAtional: Fixing e-voting: the past, present, and future of voting technology



CA: California Sues a Voting Machine Maker Over Changes



CA: Riverside County - Supervisors approve deal for election ballots



CA: Riverside County registrar defends actions, touts 'accuracy over speed'



CA: San Francisco - S.F. lawsuit accuses Nebraska vote machine vendor of fraud



CA: San Francisco - City attorney joins secretary of state in suing voting-machine maker



CA: San Francisco - Voting Machines = Headaches



CT: First out, then in

Vote recount changes results for Greenwich RTM candidate



LA: St. Tammany Parish - Denied votes won't change result

24 in lighting district weren't allowed a say



MO: Will new voting system result in better security or increased tampering?



NY: Madison County - County to U.S.: Let N.Y. fix voting system



NY: Madison County - Supervisors want paper ballots



OH: Lobbyists Hack Your Elections: The OEJC Calls for Voting Systems Recall, Return, and Refund (Part I)



OH: Cuyahoga voting system to get testing after election night delay



PA: Northampton County - New voting system faces new delay

County weighs options. AVS balks at test of its electronic machine.



TX: Harris County - Texas: Voting System Allows "Adjustments"



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