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Civil rights panel says disenfranchisement of voters was deliberate    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, July 15, 2004
BY ERIKA BOLSTAD for Knight Ridder Newspapers
WASHINGTON - (KRT) - The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights said Thursday it will ask the Department of Justice to investigate whether Florida's use of a flawed database to remove felons from the voter rolls was a deliberate attempt to block some voters from casting ballots.

We Need a Backup for Election Day    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, July 15, 2004
Opinion in the Washington Post from By Norman Ornstein, of the American Enterprises Institute
Elections are the single most significant symbol of democracy. Long before the Madrid terrorist bombings, it was clear that the 2004 American presidential election would be a prime target for al Qaeda. Now that threat has been made even more concrete and tangible by the warning from Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. And the need to protect against the worst kinds of disruptions caused by an attack has been crystallized by a letter sent to Ridge by DeForest B. Soaries Jr., chairman of the newly created U.S. Election Assistance Commission, warning that no agency has the authority to suspend or postpone a presidential election if a disaster occurs.

Florida Faces Vote Chaos in 2004, Commission Hears    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, July 15, 2004
By Alan Elsner for Reuters
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Florida faces another debacle in the upcoming presidential election on Nov. 2, with the possibility that thousands of people will be unjustly denied the right to vote, the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights heard on Thursday.

The Long Shadow of Jim Crow: Voter Intimidation and Suppression in America Today    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, July 15, 2004
Report from PFAW and the NAACP
In a nation where children are taught in grade school that every citizen has the right to vote, it would be comforting to think that the last vestiges of voter intimidation, oppression and suppression were swept away by the passage and subsequent enforcement of the historic Voting Rights Act of 1965. It would be good to know that voters are no longer turned away from the polls based on their race, never knowingly misdirected, misinformed, deceived or threatened.

Election delay gets attention    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, July 15, 2004
By Skip Cauthorn for the Nashville City Paper
State election officials say a backup plan for Election Day in the case of disaster or a terrorist attack will likely be a topic of discussion soon due to recent talks on the federal level.
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week of terrorist activity related to the upcoming presidential election.

Kiffmeyer at odds with election officials    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, July 14, 2004
Mike Kaszuba, Minneapolis Star Tribune
With a certainty that has become her hallmark, Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer continues to push past critics to install a new computer voter-registration system on the eve of one of the most hotly contested presidential elections in recent history.
"There's no good time. Elections are all the time," she said of the $4 million computer system, which was tested for the first time only two weeks ago with favorable results. "For some people, change is more difficult than for others."

Black Voters Are Expendable    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, July 14, 2004
by Greg Palast
In the 2000 presidential election, 1.9 million Americans cast ballots that no one counted. "Spoiled votes" is the technical term. The pile of ballots left to rot has a distinctly dark hue: About 1 million of them half of the rejected ballots were cast by African Americans although black voters make up only 12 percent of the electorate.

The world I imagine: Making votes count    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, July 14, 2004
By DEBBIE JORDAN in the Tri-Valley Central
So far in this series I've tried to offer solutions without focusing too much on the problems. On this subject, however, I'm dangerously close to blowing my-admittedly uncustomary-ladylike demeanor. Though I try to avoid outright partisanship, I must emphasize that this country must take steps to establish a truly democratic electoral system so that nothing like that ever happens again.

Court: Florida should do more to help felons get rights restored    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, July 14, 2004
State corrections officials don't do enough to help thousands of prisoners get their voting and other civil rights restored when they're released, an appellate court ruled Wednesday.

Governor offers election pledge    Story Here  Archive
Published:Tuesday, July 13, 2004
By Bob Mahlburg for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
Tallahassee · Gov. Jeb Bush said Monday that the state would carry out an election that includes all eligible voters, despite problems such as the list of "potential felons" that the state scrapped Saturday.

November elections not likely to be postponed, experts say    Story Here  Archive
Published:Tuesday, July 13, 2004
By Los Angeles Times and The Associated Press
WASHINGTON ? Even if terrorists were to attack on Election Day, it is highly unlikely that voting could or would be halted across the United States, lawmakers and scholars said yesterday.

Despite new state leader, election worries return four years after Bush-Gore fiasco    Story Here  Archive
Published:Tuesday, July 13, 2004
By Linda Kleindienst and Buddy Nevins for the South Florida Sun-Sentinel
TALLAHASSEE Nearly four years after the 2000 presidential fiasco, new controversies are swirling around the state elections division raising questions about how Florida Secretary of State Glenda Hood is running her office and kindling fears about what lies ahead for voters in November.

Kerry forms legal team to fight abuse at polls    Story Here  Archive
Published:Tuesday, July 13, 2004
By STEWART M. POWELL and MARK HELM for Hearst News Service
BOSTON Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Monday announced creation of a nationwide legal SWAT team of election lawyers to combat the kind of voting irregularities that occurred in Florida four years ago, contributing to the disputed election of President Bush by five electoral votes.

Napa incumbent alleges voting fraud    Story Here  Archive
Published:Monday, July 12, 2004
By Carol Pogash for the New York Times
These are uncertain times in Napa County, a pastoral region of fertile hills that produces some of the world's best cabernet and, recently, accusations of voting fraud.

Voting rights still threatened    Story Here  Archive
Published:Monday, July 12, 2004
by MICHAEL PAUL WILLIAMS in Richmond Times Dispatch
Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge warned last week that al-Qaida is planning a major attack in the United States to disrupt the November elections.
Meanwhile, domestic sources threaten to disrupt the legitimacy of the elections and the health of our democ racy no less than the poll taxes and literacy tests of yesteryear

Civil rights groups still concerned about purged voters    Story Here  Archive
Published:Monday, July 12, 2004
by Rachel La Corte for AP
MIAMI - Civil rights organizations say the state's scrapping of a controversial list of possible felons was a victory for voters, but counties must still ensure that information they receive from other sources is accurate before purging their voter rolls.
State officials abandoned the list of nearly 48,000 names on Saturday after problems emerged in the weeks since copies of the list were released.

Check 'E' for 'Evasion'    Story Here  Archive
Published:Sunday, July 11, 2004
Palm Beach Post Editorial
When it comes to making sure that every eligible voter in Florida has a chance to vote, the state Division of Elections once again has shirked its duty.

Voter list mess shows officials can't be trusted    Story Here  Archive
Published:Sunday, July 11, 2004
Miami Herald
Sharon Lettman-Pacheco was driving to her office in Tallahassee Saturday when her cellphone rang with the news that Florida had just scrapped its voter purge list of 47,763 suspected felons.

List abandoned, but doubts linger    Story Here  Archive
Published:Sunday, July 11, 2004
Analysis by Leslie Clark in the Miami Herald
Four years after earning the moniker Flori-duh, the state is again risking becoming a late-night talk show one-liner for mismanaging a presidential election.
Once again, there is turmoil over a list of who is eligible to vote, and the voting machines themselves in some of the state's biggest counties are under question: The touchs-creen machines touted as a space-age solution to the 1960s-era punch-card dinosaurs are proving to be a colossal headache.

Division of Elections Still Faces Criticism    Story Here  Archive
Published:Sunday, July 11, 2004
By Lloyd Dunkelberger for the Lakeland Ledger
TALLAHASSEE Katherine Harris is in Congress. The state elections office has moved out of the Capitol to a less prominent building that also houses a museum featuring mastodon bones and Spanish doubloons.

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