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11/3/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
MT |
Flathead County. Errors in the programming for the optical scan tabulation system. Two precincts showed no opposition to I-147 (which would reverse the ban on using cyanide in mining). Next precinct scanned, same result. Then it got worse. New returns show a precinct voted well beyond the number of registered voters.
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11/16/2006 |
Machine malfunction |
MT |
Flathead County. Optical scanner memory cartridges read by the computers counted all votes for just one candidate.
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10/15/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. Voters' choices register incorrectly on the touch screen. The county official attempted to recalibrate the screens, but two machines had to be taken out of service. Story
10/21/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Forsyth County. Precinct chair says his ballot was not tallied correctly during a demonstration of the e-voting machines at an early voting site.
Story: Early voting going briskly Archive |
10/21/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Forsyth County. Kathy Cooper, director of elections, says problems with batteries dying on computers at early voting polls have already been resolved.
Story: Early voting going briskly Archive |
11/4/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Unilect |
More than 4,500 Carteret County votes have been lost on a Unilect electronic voting machine. The vendor said it would hold 10,500 ballots. It would only hold 3,005 and 7,530 people cast their ballots on it.
Nov. 30. Carteret County will hold another election to determine the winner of the agricultural commissioner's race.
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11/4/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Mecklenburg County. Before the election, the county election office said 102,109 people voted early or returned valid absentee ballots. Unofficial results from election night showed 106,064 of those votes.
Machines mistallied. |
11/4/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
In Craven County, all vote totals in nine of the county's 26 precincts were electronically doubled, increasing the totals for president by 11,283 more than the number of votes cast. Correcting the mistake changed the outcome of at least one race. ES&S Votronic machines used. Automatic warning of double-counting didn't work.
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11/4/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
In Onslow County, a software error changed the order of finish in the race for seats on the county commission. The error didn't change who won the seats, just the order in which they finished. A floppy disk that compiles voting data from the counting machines was programmed incorrectly.
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11/4/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
In Yadkin County, about 1,000 ballots were accidentally counted twice.
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11/9/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Unilect |
Carteret County. More than 4,500 votes irretrievably lost in coastal Carteret County could trigger a new statewide election if the official margin of victory in two Council of State races is close enough, state election officials said Monday.
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11/9/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. Problems with Electronic Systems and Software Inc. iVotronic voting machines surfaced in one-stop early voting, requiring all screens to be replaced.
Story |
11/9/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. "A master terminal at the Vanceboro one-stop voting site did not require a password and resulted in an incorrect total in the presidential returns there." ES&S again.
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11/10/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
In Guilford County, ES&S early voting machines had capacity problems, which affected anywhere from 6,000 to 20,000 ballots.
The totals were so large, the tabulation computer threw some numbers away. Retallying changed two outcomes and gave an additional 22000 votes to Kerry. Story
ES&S explained that the Unity 2.2 tally software reached 32,767 (32K) and began subtracting from the totals (same as in Broward County). ES&S had known about the problem but not told its customers. Letter from ES&S (603K) |
11/10/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Sequoia |
Buncombe County. Sequoia Advantage touch screen machines failed to display one of the races in two precincts. Officials estimate that as many as 500 or 600 voters were not given the opportunity to vote in the school board race.
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11/13/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Gaston County. About 12,000 votes cast in Gaston County have not yet been counted, elections director Sandra Page said Tuesday. Page said most early and absentee votes were not included in the county's unofficial election results because of a procedural error. The inclusion of the votes in the county's results, expected Tuesday afternoon, could change the outcome of several local and statewide races.
The county pays a technician from Diebold to operate its systems on Election Day. That person was in charge of transferring early votes from electronic storage to the counting computer. Diebold believes the transmission was interrupted, said spokesman David Bear.
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11/13/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Diebold |
After data was transmitted from the precincts to the central station, it was discovered that there was no data for the Dallas precinct in the GEMS database. Office records from election night, kept by a staff member, showed that information was received, Gaston County Elections Director Sandra Page said. She believes the computer system recorded a successful transmission without receiving any data.
11/13/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Gaston County. The entire Dallas precinct (1209 votes) was omitted from the reported totals.
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11/23/2006 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. "Accessible" features of the iVotronic voting machine failed to provide independent voting for a visually impaired woman who tried it.
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12/15/2006 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. About 9 percent of the printers attached to the county’s voting machines had a jam or other problem. In many cases, that problem made the paper record generated unusable for purposes of a state-mandated audit, according to county elections director George Gilbert.
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10/29/2007 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. ES&S iVotronic voting machines fail in early voting. Affected voters had to choose whether to come back later or vote provisionally. "George Gilbert, director of the Guilford County Board of Elections confirms that due to a computer glitch, all five of the machines at Bur-Mil would not display the correct information to allow citizens from Summerfield, Oak Ridge, Whitsett, Pleasant Garden and Sedalia to vote. Gilbert says citizens who attempted to vote were urged to come back later, and were given a provisional absentee ballot so they could vote manually if they were unable to do so."
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10/29/2007 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. iVotronics. "George Gilbert, director of the Guilford County Board of Elections confirms that due to a computer glitch, all five of the machines at Bur-Mil would not display the correct information to allow citizens from Summerfield, Oak Ridge, Whitsett, Pleasant Garden and Sedalia to vote."
5/9/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Mecklenburg County. About 2,400 absentee ballots were counted twice by the ES&S Unity tabulation system. Correcting the inaccuracy didn't change any outcomes.
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5/9/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Wake County. About 37,000 optical scan ballots were counted twice by the ES&S Unity tabulation system. The early voting and absentee ballots were counted as part of the individual voters precincts and again as a whole. Correcting the inaccuracy didn't change any outcomes.
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5/14/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Onslow County. About 4,000 (Model 100) optical scan ballots from early voting -- apparently uploaded correctly -- weren't counted by the tabulation software. A state representative noticed the low number of votes from some one-stop voting sites and the county investigated. Rose Whitehurst, director of the Onslow County Board of Elections, said what happened was that when she uploaded the votes, she thought the votes were counted.
"When we started looking over the report, we found that the votes didn't all go into the software," she said. "We started doing an audit and ran through the information (and found that) both one-stops weren't counted."
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11/1/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. Vote-flipping on the iVotronic touch screen machine. "three more voters told Guilford County GOP Chairman Bill Wright that machines switched presidential votes at Pleasant Garden Town Hall and Friendly Center in Greensboro. With help, voters corrected their ballots."
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11/5/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Rockingham County. The central tabulator failed to read the memory cards from the optical scanners at five of the six one-stop voting sites. The county uses M100 scanners.
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11/5/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Polk County. Results for the County Board of Elections flip flop twice as the county struggles with a malfunction in the computer reporting system. Rebooting seems to help, but then results flip again. Then winners are declared. County officials speculate that some of the precincts were counted twice by the software.
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11/5/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. Three technicians from Print Elect "jury-rigged an M-650 rapid counter with a paper clip to help speed up the absentee ballot counting process."
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11/6/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Buncombe County. An unknown computer malfunction delayed the posting of election results on the State web site. “My understanding is that it was some sort of communication with the state board of elections,” said Jones Byrd, chairman of the Buncombe board of elections.
11/8/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Forsyth County. An error occurred while uploading data from Precincts 601 and 604, causing incomplete vote data to be included in the initial results. The article describe the error: "[Rob Coffman, Forsyth County's director of elections,] said that the two precincts did correctly record the votes cast for each candidate, but when the results were fed into a computer that tallies all the returns, a mistake caused the software to omit results for the 74th N.C. House District in those two precincts. That, in turn, caused the vote totals in some other races to be incorrect. The corrected totals for the two precincts will result in slight changes in the totals of a number of other political contests."
11/13/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. A memory card error caused only part of the main one-stop (early voting) ballots to be uploaded from one site. Revised numbers raise the turnout from 60% to 65% and may change the outcome of a State Representative race. An error in the reporting software also incorrectly categorized some ballots as absentee. The county uses iVotronic touch screen machines and M100 scanners.
Archive One of the machines at the Cove City early voting site had a dead battery, which officials originally thought was the cause of the misreporting.
Update 11/14/08. Officials say that coding errors, made by ES&S and distributed by Print Elect, caused the software to read the data incorrectly. Four ballot styles reflecting the district in which voters of particular precinct could participate and the "Geo-codes" were not entered correctly and produced reporting problems.
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11/14/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Burke County. Paper jammed on the iVotronic touch screen machines.
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11/17/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Craven County. More problems emerge. The article says 342 ballots are missing from the No. 7 Township Fire and Rescue early voting site. A total of 7,575 authorizations to vote were identified but staff can find ballots, tapes, flash cards or personal electronic ballot records for only 7,233.
Update 11/18/08. The missing ballots were found in a personal electronic ballot counter used to record first day of one-stop votes at No. & Township fire and Rescue in Grantham. The PEB was marked "spare" and overlooked originally.
11/3/2009 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Guilford County. Votes for Bill Knight for mayor were flipped to Yvonne Johnson on the iVotronic touch screen machine. Officials claimed it was a calibration problem.
11/4/2009 |
Machine malfunction |
NC |
Mount Airy (Surry County). Modems at two precincts failed and poll workers called in the results. Totals were transposed at the county office, causing the losing candidate to be announced initially as winner of the mayor's race.
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11/5/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NE |
Sarpy County. A computer problem doubled the votes in half the county's precincts, adding over 10,000 phantom votes to the totals. The county uses ES&S vote tallying software. As of 11/4, the cause had not been determined. The disc loaded correctly on one computer, but not on another.
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11/14/2004 |
Machine malfunction |
NE |
Lancaster County. While machines correctly fed themselves just one ballot at a time, their software at times incorrectly detected two ballots. The machines in all cases stopped short of actually counting two ballots, County Election Commissioner David Shively said, and instead responded by shutting down. Democratic party alleges there is no proof that the mechanical glitches that slowed counting Tuesday did not also skew the final figures.
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1/12/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NH |
Diebold |
Hanover, Exeter, Nashua, and Manchester Counties. Problems with the Premier (Diebold) optical scan machines reported by the officials in all four counties. Break down of the visor that guides write-in votes into the right bin, and memory card failures.
Story |
3/13/2008 |
Machine malfunction |
NH |
Salem. A faulty keyboard interfered with the entry of votes collected in the precincts, causing votes to be mis-entered and an incorrect outcome to be reported initially.
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