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Who wins the race in Ashland? (OR)    Story Here  Archive
By Damian Mann, Mail Tribune, November 14, 2006
Jackson County elections officials were still mystified Monday over a ballot miscount in an Ashland precinct that has left one City Council race up in the air.

Why did so much go wrong on Election Day in Athens County? (OH)    Story Here  Archive
Nick Claussen The Athens News 13 November 2006
What went wrong, and whose fault is it? That's the question many Athens County residents are asking after last Tuesday's local election. The election had numerous problems, and thousands of the votes still have not been counted. The complications include the following:

Electronic voting off to rocky start (AR)    Story Here  Archive
MELINDA W. BIGELOW, Crawford County Press Argus-Courier
Unexpected problems with the new electronic voting machines and pressure to open the polls early started Tuesday's election off to a bad start.

Hendersonville voters back building height restriction    Story Here  Archive
Tryon Daily Bulletin November 13, 2006
Hendersonville voters agreed by a wide margin to keep a building height restriction at 64 feet. A proposal was made to raise the building height restriction to 80 feet, but 68 percent of the city’s voters rejected the plan.

'Daily Voting News' For November 13, 2006    Story Here
John Gideon
A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues

Benton County Election Results Still in Question Monday (AR)    Story Here  Archive
The Morning News 13 November 2006
BENTONVILLE The Benton County Election Commission delayed the beginning of early voting Monday and began a machine recount of paper ballots about 9 a.m.

Fayette glitches lead to all-night vote count (WV)    Story Here  Archive
Amelia A. Pridemore The Fayette Tribune 13 November 2006
Fayette County vote-counting hit a major snag late Tuesday night, resulting in all-night system repairs and recounts that didn’t end until after daybreak Wednesday, county officials reported.

Recount Changes Three Races Again    Story Here  Archive
Michelle Burhenn The Morning News 13 November 2006
The Benton County Election Commission, with help from a private consultant, recounted all paper ballots cast Nov. 7 and reloaded data from the electronic machines. These results the third in a week seemed to satisfy Jim McCarthy, the election coordinator.

'Daily Voting News' For November 12, 2006    Story Here
John Gideon
A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues

Officials solve election problem (PA)    Story Here  Archive
AL WINN The Patriot News 12 November 2006
LEBANON - Lebanon County officials have a good idea what went wrong with their voting machines on Election Day, and it is not likely to happen again, they said.

Newfangled machines, old-fashioned voters lead to election night delays (TX)    Story Here  Archive
KYLE PEVETO The Daily Sentinel 12 November 2006
Across the state, voters reported problems with electronic voter machines Tuesday during the general election.

Dems critical of Idaho election officials    Story Here  Archive
REBECCA BOONE Associated Press writer Thursday, November 09, 2006
BOISE, Idaho Problem pens, broken scanners, low supplies and long lines plagued some of Idaho's polling stations on Election Day, prompting some political candidates to compare the state's woes to a more infamous election in the south.

Questions surround election results (AR)    Story Here  Archive
Annette Beard and Chad Eiler NW Arkansas News 11 November 2006
The results of several races from Tuesday’s election are still in question, frustrating candidates and party leaders across the county.

'Daily Voting News' For November 11, 2006    Story Here
John Gideon
A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues

Candidate: Zero Vote Tally Off - by 1    Story Here  Archive
ABC News 11 November 2006
WALDENBURG, Ark. Nov 11, 2006 (AP)— Randy Wooten figured he'd get at least one vote in his bid for mayor of this town of 80 people even if it was just his own.

Election Results Continue To Puzzle (AR)    Story Here  Archive
Michelle Burhenn The Morning News 11 November 2006
BENTONVILLE Unprecedented voter turnout in Benton County has again called into question the results of Tuesday's general election.

Voting problems hit 4 counties (FL)    Story Here  Archive
Jim Stratton Mark K. Matthews and Roger Roy Orlando Sentinel 10 November 2006
Touch-screen-voting machines in at least four Florida counties recorded unusually high percentages of ballots with no votes in Tuesday's election a sign that new electronic-ballot machines may not be as foolproof as hoped.

'Daily Voting News' For November 10, 2006    Story Here
John Gideon
A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues

Programming error delays vote count (NV)    Story Here

County clerk reports memory card problem (CA)    Story Here  Archive
KATIE MINTZ The Daily Journal 10 November 2006
Ukiah votes must be recounted. The Mendocino County Elections Office announced Wednesday evening that results from some absentee ballots were lost election night when the memory card on which they were being stored was corrupted.

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