Probe: Voting numbers don't add up (CT) Story Here Archive |
Published:Sunday, June 15, 2008 BILL CUMMINGS Connecticut Post 14 June 2008
In the midst of a heated court battle over last fall's Democratic mayoral primary, state Rep. Christopher Caruso's legal team asserted there were more votes than voters. City officials and their lawyers scoffed at Caruso's contention, calling it untrue and irresponsible. However, a Connecticut Post examination of election records from the Sept. 11, 2007, primary shows there were more votes than voters — 105 more.
'Daily Voting News' For June 14 and 15, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, June 15, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For June 13, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Friday, June 13, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
County vote canvass approved (NM) Story Here Archive |
Published:Friday, June 13, 2008 Sharna Johnson Clovis News Journal 13 June 2008
Prior to the approval, county officials reported to the board that memory cards — used to transfer tallies from the ballot machines to a computer — experienced corruption issues that rendered them unusable. However, staff were able to bypass the problem because those same voting machines generated paper tape printouts, which they were able to manually count and tally.
'Daily Voting News' For June 12, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, June 12, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For June 11, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, June 11, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Audit reveals human error caused election debacle (AR) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, June 11, 2008 RACHEL PARKER DICKERSON Log Cabin Democrat 11 June 2008
An audit of the May 20 primary election revealed that human error caused an incorrect outcome in the unofficial results announced election night in the District 45 race. Also, Bruce Haggard has resigned as chairman of the Faulkner County Election Commission for reasons he said was unrelated to the election.
DA requests investigation of county absentee voting (AL) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, June 11, 2008 Penny L. Pool The Randolph Leader 11 June 2008 Fifth Judicial District Attorney E. Paul Jones has confirmed he has requested an investigation of absentee ballots in last Tuesday's primary but said his letter has been mailed so recently the attorney general's office may not have received it.
'Daily Voting News' For June 10, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, June 10, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Bullock Co. hopefuls claim vote problems (AL) Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, June 10, 2008 Alvin Benn Montgomery Advertiser 10 June 2008 Blue defeated Adams by 271 total votes in the district's 16 precincts, but
was overwhelmed by Adams in the absentee box. Adams received 736 absentee votes
to 76 for Blue. It gave Adams a 389 vote victory. Alonzo Ellis Jr. won the
District 4 nomination, defeating Jackson by 77 votes. Jackson held a 311 vote
edge at the precinct level, but Ellis far outnumbered him in the absentee box
592 to 204.
'Daily Voting News' For June 9, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Monday, June 9, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For June 8, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, June 8, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Angelina County recount doesn't change election results, but adds 959 votes (TX) Story Here Archive |
Published:Saturday, June 7, 2008 BRITTONY LUND Lufkin Daily News 06 June 2008 A recount was held Wednesday for five county precinct ballot boxes that were
incorrectly tallied in the March 4 primary election. Thelma "Midget" Sherman,
Angelina County tax assessor-collector/election administrator, oversaw the
recount. The total number of voters before the recount was 17,850. After the
recount, there turned out to be 959 more votes, resulting in a total number of
16,891 votes.
'Daily Voting News' For June 7, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Saturday, June 7, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For June 6, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Friday, June 6, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Wayne County declares primary election results (WV) Story Here Archive |
Published:Friday, June 6, 2008 CHRISTIAN ALEXANDERSEN Huntington Herald Dispatch 06 June 2008 Wayne County has finally declared its May 13 primary election results
following concerns raised about voting machine inaccuracies. County
Administrator Brett Jones said about 15 people, including three candidates,
spoke at the commission meeting Thursday in regard to voting machine
'Daily Voting News' For June 5, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, June 5, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Curry County clerk: 'We have a problem' (NM) Story Here Archive |
Published:Thursday, June 5, 2008 Clovis News Journal Staff 04 June 2008 “At this point we’re not aware if (results will change), but the potential is
certainly there because we have some races that are too close,” County Clerk
Coni Jo Lyman said. “We know we have a problem in the (computer) software, we
don’t know exactly what it is, we don’t trust our numbers. We’re not 100 percent
comfortable with the numbers that are in the system. We don’t think that they
are significantly off but we do think there are some differences.” Officials
were continuing to try and verify votes this morning after a software glitch
delayed results Tuesday night.
Delays reported in recording election results (NJ) Story Here Archive |
Published:Thursday, June 5, 2008 Ashbury Park Press. June 5, 2008. By Bob Jordan, FREEHOLD BUREAU In Middletown, a computer being used by the municipal clerk malfunctioned, forcing officials to transport the cartridges to French's office in Freehold. They were finally read by a computer there at 11 p.m., 3 hours after the polls had closed.
Software glitch led to precinct, vote uncertainty in SB County (CA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Thursday, June 5, 2008 DARRELL R. SANTSCHI and CINDY MARTINEZ RHODES The Press Enterprise 05 June 2008 A computer glitch in the San Bernardino County registrar of voters' ballot-counting system sent some losing candidates in Tuesday night's election to bed thinking more precincts were left to be heard from when, in fact, all the votes were in and counted.