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Help Monroe shop for new voting machines (Monroe Co., NY)    Story Here  Archive
Chris Hildebrant and Sally Brown Rochester Democrat and Chronicle 04 January 2006
January 4, 2006) ? If the act of voting is the linchpin of democracy, then democracy in New York is riding on critical decisions being made this month by the New York state Board of Elections.

Voting System Results Still Out    Story Here  Archive
Noam N. Levey Los Angeles Times 03 January 2006
Five years after the vote-counting debacle in Florida suspended the election of a new U.S. president, California and other states are embroiled in a contentious debate over how voters should cast their ballots.

No decision likely in voting debate (New York)    Story Here  Archive
LEIGH HORNBECK Albany Times Union 03 January 2006
BALLSTON SPA New voting machines are not likely to appear in Saratoga County in 2006, Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Mary Ann Johnson said Thursday.

Voting act puts counties in bind (CA)    Story Here  Archive
Kevin Yamamura Sacramento Bee 02 January 2006
Mikel Haas is running out of time and patience, but he says he'll give it one more month before he really starts to panic.

Voting machines still not recertified (San Diego Co., CA)    Story Here  Archive
Craig Gustafson San Diego UNION-TRIBUNE 02 January 2006
New state and federal election laws that affect voting kicked in yesterday, and the resignation of Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham has forced San Diego County to comply with them two months earlier than expected.

All-mail voting may cut fraud (King Co., WA)    Story Here  Archive
Keith Ervin Seattle Times 31 December 2005
King County Executive Ron Sims' proposal for all-mail voting could reduce the possibility of fraud by election workers, a leading critic of electronic voting says.

A ban on electronic voting machines? (NM)    Story Here  Archive
Erik Siemers Albuquerque Tribune 31 December 2005
The June gubernatorial primary would be the first in which every Bernalillo County polling place will have a touch-screen voting machine - if a pending lawsuit doesn't ban their use.

Mandate on Voting Machines Still Riles Officials in Region (CT)    Story Here  Archive
Laurel Tuohy Litchfield County Times 30 December 2005
The impending switch to electronic voting machines has been on the minds of town officials across the region lately, as the federally-mandated changeover takes effect in 2006.

County borrows voting machines (Snohomish Co., WA)    Story Here  Archive
Jeff Switzer Everett Herald 30 December 2005
Four hundred electronic voting machines arrived Thursday from Reno, Nev., to keep Snohomish County's upcoming elections legal.

Ghosts in the Voting Machines    Story Here  Archive
Joel Bleifuss In These Times 29 December 2005
Concerned about reports of election fraud and vote suppression in the 2004 election, Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee, asked the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, to examine the allegations. In September, the GAO released a report that found electronic voting systems "have caused local problems in federal electionsresulting in the loss or miscount of votes." In the 2004 general election, about 64 percent of voters cast ballots on one of two types of electronic voting systems: optical scan systems, which read marked paper ballots, and direct recording electronic systems (DRE), which have a touchscreen that voters use to make their choice.

Florida balloting machines should be re-tested to ensure accurate elections in 2006    Story Here  Archive
Opinion Florida Today 29 December 2005
Four days and counting toward 2006, another election year in which Florida voters will choose a governor, U.S. senator, other members of Congress and state legislators.

Voting comment period extended (Boulder Co., CO)    Story Here  Archive
RICHARD VALENTY Colorado Daily 29 December 2005
Boulder County extended a deadline Wednesday for public comment on the process to new voting equipment for the 2006 election, giving citizens until Jan. 4 at noon.

Paper backup for voting is worth cost (PA)    Story Here  Archive
Frank Devlin The Morning Call 29 December 2005
No one said the 1950s would last forever. Still, it's a bit disorienting when symbols that typified the era ? whether you lived through the 1950s or not ? go away: Elvis, the terrifying yet straightforward Cold War, the idea of the one-income nuclear family.

A law that counts (NC)    Story Here  Archive
Joyce McCloy Opinion The News & Observer 29 December 2005
"A Florida-style nightmare has unfolded in North Carolina in the days since Election Day, with thousands of votes missing and the outcome of two statewide races still up in the air." AP Newswire, Nov. 13, 2004

N.C. counties expected to pay more for voting machines    Story Here  Archive
GARY D. ROBERTSON Associated Press 29 December 2005
RALEIGH, N.C. - The options for upgrading voting machines in North Carolina in time for the 2006 elections have suddenly grown narrower - but probably more confusing and expensive at the same time.

County first to comply with election rules (Montgomery Co., AL)    Story Here  Archive
Sebastian Kitchen Montgomery Advertiser 28 December 2005
Montgomery County is the first jurisdiction in Alabama to meet the Sunday deadline of full compliance with a federal law intended to prevent a repeat of the 2000 presidential election debacle in Florida.

The provider of Utah?s new voting machines faces allegations of bad security.    Story Here  Archive
Ted McDonough Salt Lake Weekly 28 December 2005
December was a tough month for Diebold Election Systems, the company chosen as the exclusive vendor of voting machines for next year?s Utah elections.

Voting machine search worries local officials (Danbury, CT)    Story Here  Archive
Eileen FitzGerald The News-Times 28 December 2005
Municipal officials in the Danbury area are getting antsy because the state is taking so long to choose what type of electronic voting machines to use in next November's election.

Voting machines safe for now (Solano Co., CA)    Story Here  Archive
GREG MOBERLY Vallejo Times-Herald & JULIET WILLIAMS AP (Solano Co.,CA) 28 Dec. 2005
Solano County leaders could breathe a sigh of relief Tuesday when the state announced it would not decertify voting machines used here.

Diebold decision leaves one company to provide compliant voting machines (Craven Co., NC)    Story Here  Archive
Sue Book New Bern Sun Journal 24 December 2005
Craven County Board of Elections' choice for new voting equipment is now the only game in town for North Carolina's 100 counties.

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