'Daily Voting News' For May 03 and 04, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, May 4, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Election officials to check city tally (NJ) Story Here Archive |
Published:Saturday, May 3, 2008 Courier-Post Staff 03 May 2008 Solomon said the recount will not resolve challenges raised by Gilliams about
faulty software used in the election or claims that people other than those who
signed in with election workers actually cast votes. Gilliams also claimed some
districts reported no votes cast. Those issues could be the topic of a
subsequent lawsuit, Solomon said.
'Daily Voting News' For May 02, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Friday, May 2, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For May 01, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, May 1, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 30, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, April 30, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 29, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, April 29, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 28, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Monday, April 28, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 26 and 27, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Sunday, April 27, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 25, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Friday, April 25, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For April 24, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Thursday, April 24, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Election Protection Coalition Fields Over 1,000 Calls (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Committee of Seventy Press Release 22 April 2008 In Delaware County, one voter reported that the voting machines at her precinct were set for Republicans only. She told the poll worker that she was a Democrat and the worker replied, “Not today.” The voter was not able to cast a vote, but The League of Women Voters provided her with the phone number of the Delaware County Board of Elections to report and resolve the issue.
'Daily Voting News' For April 23, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Mostly smooth sailing at polls, election officials in 2 counties say (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 The Vindicator 23 April 2008 Another machine, at the Greene Township Building on Dowling Schoolhouse Road,
started freezing up at one point during the day, he said, so the polling place
stopped using it. He said that machine has 23 votes on it. He said that if
necessary, the company that manufactures the machines, Election Systems and
Software out of Omaha, Neb., can retrieve those votes.
Election Notes (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 The Times Leader 23 April 2008 A woman wanting to vote was turned away after no proof of her registration could be found. The judge of elections at Ward 16 on Hanover Street, Walter Griffith, said Annmarie Lee, of Wilkes-Barre, told Griffith she registered to vote, but did not specify where she had registered. Griffith said he called a county elections inspector who told him there was no evidence of her registration and not to give her a provisional ballot to fill out.
Request to extend voting hours denied (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 Margaret Gibbons Times Chronicle Glenside News 23 April 2008 A Montgomery County judge Tuesday evening turned down a request by the county Democratic Committee to extend voting hours by an additional hour at one Cheltenham poll for voters who could not use an electronic voting machine to cast their ballots until some 2 1/2 hours after the poll opened.
Few problems with new voting machines (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Wednesday, April 23, 2008 GRETCHEN M. WINTERMANTEL AND MEGAN REITER The Scranton Times-Tribune 23 April 2008 The AutoMark touch-screen machines provided for handicapped voters
malfunctioned in at least seven precincts, Mrs. Shedlock said. Those problems
were easily fixed when election workers cleaned and reset the inkjet cartridges
in each machine.
'Daily Voting News' For April 22, 2008 Story Here |
Published:Tuesday, April 22, 2008 John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Palmer Twp. voter reports ballot confusion (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Alyssa Young Lehigh Valley Live 22 April 2008 Palmer Township resident Ritann Tosto wants to warn voters to read the fine
print beneath the delegate candidates' names. Tosto, 59, said she assumed the
delegates listed beneath Sen. Barack Obama's name were his supporters, and the
delegates beneath Sen. Hillary Clinton's name were hers. That's not the case,
she reports after voting at St. Andrew's Lutheran Church.
Early Polling Issue Reported In Green Tree (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, April 22, 2008 KDKA-TV 22 April 2008 "When we first started voting this morning, one machine wouldn't work," Moskala
told KDKA, "…. so we did paper ballots. We had about 20 people go through with
paper ballots and vote that way."
Election Court hears of few problems (PA) Story Here Archive |
Published:Tuesday, April 22, 2008 Philly.com. April 22, 2008. Jennifer Lin As of 10 a.m., only one complaint had come into the Election Court at City Hall. A voter from the First Ward, 8th Division, said she was handed a sample ballot when entering the polling station at 1736 S. 10th Street.