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'Daily Voting News' for June 23, 2009    Story Here
Published:Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Smartmatic, the company, is under fire in the Philippines.

“Why did Florida have high "invalid votes" in 2008? An important new report from Florida Fair Elections Center (FFEC) finds that certain optical scan voting systems contributed significantly to Florida's high invalid vote rate in the 2008 election, while other optical scan systems did not. Invalid votes, which are the combination of overvotes, undervotes and invalid write-in votes, were expected to with the statewide use of paper ballot optical scan voting systems. Instead, they increased.” Thus begins the press release for today’s featured item.

'Daily Voting News' for June 20-22, 2009    Story Here
Published:Monday, June 22, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
The Supreme Court handed down its decision regarding Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act. Iran’s Guardian Council admits that over 50 cities had a turnout greater than 100% and denies voting irregularities.

'Daily Voting News' for June 19, 2009    Story Here
Published:Friday, June 19, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Congratulations to the election integrity advocates in Tennessee. Yesterday, the Senate blocked an effort to delay implementation of a 2008 law requiring a "paper trail" on all voting machines in all 95 counties by 2010.

'Daily Voting News' for June 18, 2009    Story Here
Published:Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Today's news has a lot of variety, including commentaries and speculation about the Iranian election and the pending Supreme Court decision on the Voting Rights Act.

'Daily Voting News' for June 17, 2009    Story Here
Published:Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
In Florida, Judge Richard Feder ruled in favor of Broward County’s Supervisor of Elections Brenda Snipes. In violation of her agreement, Snipes failed to post notices telling voters that a vote for one name on the ballot was actually a vote for Mardi Anne Levey. The judge decided that Snipes failure wasn’t intentional, so he didn’t hold her accountable.

The situation in Iran is demonstrating that the true measure of an election is its legitimacy – legitimacy of the results and legitimacy conferred to the government, both of which depend on the extent to which the results are believed by all parties.

'Daily Voting News' for June 16, 2009    Story Here
Published:Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Yesterday's deluge of articles about Iran turned into an avalanche today. To focus strictly on election-integrity related articles, we cut out many excellent articles about the political ramifications of this historic event.

'Daily Voting News' for June 14-15, 2009    Story Here
Published:Monday, June 15, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
From the deluge of coverage on Iran, we tried to representative, information articles that weren't too repetitious. Many whose headlines don't explain why we chose them have annotations so you'll know why. The aftermath of the Iranian election exemplifies the way Twitter, blogs, and other social networking/media are transforming the way private citizens can monitor their elections.

Judicial candidate seeks $65,000 in sanctions against elections supervisor (FL)    Story Here  Archive
Published:Monday, June 15, 2009
Daily Business Review. June 15, 2009. by Jordana Mishory
Polling places around Broward County lacked notices announcing Mardi Levey Cohen was a candidate for a judicial race where her name was missing from the ballot, witnesses called by Cohen testified Monday as a contempt hearing opened on her sanctions request.

'Daily Voting News' for June 13, 2009    Story Here
Published:Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
The Iranian Presidential election outcome and aftermath, of course, dominate the news today. We did the best we could to sort through the billions of articles and some that were informative and varied. But if you want more, they’re easy to find.

'Daily Voting News' for June 12, 2009    Story Here
Published:Friday, June 12, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Iranians the world over, including women, voted for President today by writing their candidate's name and number and on a ballot paper and ping the paper into a ballot box. With the Philippines starting to use electronic optical scanners in 2010, election watchdogs are recognizing they need new techniques to observe election activities.

'Daily Voting News' for June 11, 2009    Story Here
Published:Thursday, June 11, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Does a polling place have an accessible voting system (as required by federal law) just because it contains "accessible" equipment, or do you have to be able to get into the building to use it?

Nearly seven years ago, the federal government provided billions of dollars for states to use to among other things make voting in every polling place accessible to people with disabilities. States rushed to purchase now-discredited electronic voting machines that the vendors claimed allowed people with disabilities to vote privately and independently. States put the machines in every polling place, but what did they do to make the polling places physically accessible? Very little, according to a new report from the GAO. 73% of the nation's polling places remain physically inaccessible to many voters an improvement of 11% since 2000.

'Daily Voting News' for June 10, 2009    Story Here
Published:Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
"Netherlands-based" Smartmatic, the winning bidder in the Philippines, says their automated poll equipment is tamper proof.

Correction: An article from yesterday, "Witness says commissioners report that Bob Goldsack helped reprogram party ID card encoder on primary election day" was from PA, not DE as we mistakenly reported.

PROMISES, PROMISES: Nearly one-third of polling places not wheelchair-accessible    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Gaea News. June 10, 2009. Kimberly Hefling
WASHINGTON — Despite high-profile promises over the past 25 years, many disabled Americans still are unable to fully participate in their democracy.

Advocates say they field complaints from around the country from disabled people who have problems getting into polling places or can’t independently and privately cast their votes. T.K. Small, who doesn’t have the use of his hands because of a neuromuscular disorder, said a 2002 law mandating access to voting for the disabled feels like a broken promise.

Wyoming County supervisors shoot down rifle resolution (NY)    Story Here  Archive
Published:Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The Daily News. June 10, 2009 By Matt Surtel
Supervisors approved a resolution urging the state Assembly, Senate, governor and Board of Elections to authorize the continued use of lever-style voting machines.

The resolution was proposed as a solution to expenses county taxpayers have incurred through the purchase of electronic voting machines through the federal Help Americans Vote Act.

Berwanger said hidden costs have included purchase of a special "air-ride" trailer to transport the county's 20 electronic machines to locations throughout the county, along with the extra work the county's Information Technology staffers have assumed while transporting and maintaining the new machines.

'Daily Voting News' for June 09, 2009    Story Here
Published:Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
This from Harris County, Texas the third largest county in the US: "Johnson is the associate voter registrar at the Harris County Tax Assessor Collectors office, but according to state documents, that's just his day job. Johnson is also a paid director of a small company that provides voter data to Republican candidates for office. That company, Campaign Data Systems, billed at least $140,000 in 2008."

'Daily Voting News' for June 07-08, 2009    Story Here
Published:Monday, June 8, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
We still have Georgia on our mind. The U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear the NAACP lawsuit, filed in 2005, against Georgia's photo voter ID law (not to be confused with the recently passed Georgia law requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote, nor the Georgia database matching procedures recently struck down by the DoJ, nor the challenge currently before the Supreme Court to Section 5 of the National Voting Rights Act).

'Daily Voting News' for June 06, 2009    Story Here
Published:Saturday, June 6, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Sequoia has agreed to turn over source code and design documents for its electronic voting machine system to the District of Columbia Board of Elections for examination. The Board hopes to discover what caused the software to add 1500 write-in votes to the totals in last year's September primary. One of Sequoia's original suggestions was that it was static discharge or human error. But the DC Board of Elections didn't buy it. They pursued, investigated, and finally decided to go to court. Sequoia immediately caved. Could it be because Sequoia doesn't own the intellectual property rights)?

'Daily Voting News' for June 05, 2009    Story Here
Published:Friday, June 5, 2009
Ellen Theisen, Dave Klein, and John Washburn
Today's featured article is featured because it discusses both sides of the Georgia voter registration issue between SoS Handel and the US DoJ and includes specific numbers from the 2008 election.

Mock election aims to fix voting machine flaws (NJ)    Story Here  Archive
Published:Friday, June 5, 2009
By Bob Jordan • FREEHOLD BUREAU • June 5, 2009
FREEHOLD — A special mock election — in which there will be no candidates and residents won't be allowed to vote — is on the way for Monmouth County, as officials hope to figure out what keeps going wrong in reporting results from the real elections.

Vote Counting Machine Error Results In Election Vote Changes (SD)    Story Here  Archive
Published:Thursday, June 4, 2009
KOTA Radio 1380. June 4, 2009
After a manual audit of electronically scanned results, Pennington County Auditor Julie Pearson says Ron Kroeger actually won the Ward 4 city council race.

Records: 81-100 of 6703
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