Ballot Crease-Vote Counting Controversy Grows (FL) Story Here Archive |
Chuck Weber WPEC TV 03 November 2008 Vote counting problems caused by ballot creases prompted a local state representative to ask for a hand count of the absentee ballots in her race.
Creases delay tally of absentee ballots (FL) Story Here Archive |
JANE MUSGRAVE Palm Beach Post 31 October 2008 In the latest Palm Beach County election mix-up, it appears that high-speed tabulators aren't properly reading some absentee ballots because of the crease that was created when they were folded to put in mailing envelopes.
'Daily Voting News' For November 02, 2008 Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For November 03, 2008 - Morning Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Provisional ballot request has pitfalls, say watchdogs (NJ) Story Here Archive |
Courier Post Online. November 2, 2008. By MICHAEL RISPOLI TRENTON — A third of New Jersey's counties are asking newly registered voters to cast provisional ballots on Election Day, a fallback option the state and counties call risk-free that has election watchdogs worried eligible voters may be left out.
'Daily Voting News' For November 01, 2008 - Morning Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For November 01, 2008 - Evening Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Today's voting could set a record (NC) Story Here Archive |
DAVID NIVENS The High Point Enterprise 01 November 2008
Despite renewed complaints Friday of problems with touch-screen voting machines, Gilbert again said no voter has lost a vote because of machine problems. Lindley reported that three more voters told Guilford County GOP Chairman Bill Wright that machines switched presidential votes at Pleasant Garden Town Hall and Friendly Center in Greensboro. With help, voters corrected their ballots. The elections board declined Oct. 24 to calibrate every machine every day as Wright suggested.
Palm Beach Co. Ballot Creases Cause Chad-Like Blunders (FL) Story Here Archive |
WPBF-TV 02 November 2008 Creases in absentee ballots are the latest headaches to roll into the Palm Beach County tabulation center since the hanging chads posed a problem eight years ago. Ballots folded in half when they were mailed are giving high-speed tabulators some trouble.
'Daily Voting News' For October 31, 2008 - Morning Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For October 31, 2008 - Evening Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
Computer glitch leaves Atlanta voters waiting (GA) Story Here Archive |
MARCUS K. GARNER The Atlanta Journal-Constitution 30 October 2008 Around 7:30 p.m., four of the five terminals connecting the Adamsville Recreation Center, 3201 Martin Luther King Drive S.W., to the Secretary of State’s voter database went down, Fulton County election chief Dwight Brower said. The computers are used to verify voter registration.
State Rep Advises Voters to Check Ballot Twice (TX) Story Here Archive |
KBMT News 31 October 2008 Rep. Deshotel tells KBMT 12 news he had an issue at the poll as he cast his ballot. Deshotel says he voted for each candidate individually and noticed that after he made his ion his vote for Barack Obama had changed to John McCain.
500 Duval County Ballots Rejected So Far (FL) Story Here Archive | October 31, 2008 Election officials scrutinizing absentee ballots in Duval County have rejected more than 500 ballots out of the 1,600 questionable ballots examined so far. Most of those were rejected because they lack signatures or the signatures don't match the voter's signature on file.
New Wrinkle.. That is, Crease.. in Tabulating Votes (FL) Story Here Archive |
Chuck Weber WPEC TV 31 October 2008 The election isn't until Tuesday, but already there is a vote counting problem in Palm Beach County. Some absentee ballots are apparently being kicked out of counting machines because of creases.
Long line snaps in spat over vote (SC) Story Here Archive | October 31, 2008. By Jason Spencer Spartanburg County Republican Party Chairman Rick Beltram, taking the role of a poll watcher, challenged the vote of 74-year-old Fannie Rogers because he didn't believe her signature matched what was on her credentials. This upset the actual poll worker — the person who checks in a voter — and soon Ruby Rice, president of the Spartanburg NAACP branch, was involved.
Blind voter denied ballot, voting help (IN) Story Here Archive |
Deb Kelly Tribune-Star 31 October 2008
A Terre Haute man says he is being discriminated against at satellite voting locations because of a disability, and according to federal disability law, he may be right. Steve Tschida, 50, is blind, and needs assistance to vote. State law allows a voter with disabilities to designate a person to assist the voter in voting at an election. The law states that it applies to each precinct location as well as to absentee voting, but the law is not clear as to whether the law applies to satellite voting locations.
Federal judge rails at Secretary of State Coffman to stop purges (CO) Story Here Archive |
The Colorado Independent. October 31, 2008. By Naomi Zeveloff The Advancement Project, a voter protection organization, filed suitagainst Coffman late last week for canceling as many 30,000 voters within 90 days of the federal election, a breach of the National Voter Registration Act. Coffman’s office settled with the Advancement Project late Wednesday evening, agreeing to let purged individuals vote by provisional ballot. But he has removed an additional 146 voters from the rolls since then.
'Daily Voting News' For October 30, 2008 - Morning Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues
'Daily Voting News' For October 30, 2008 - Evening Edition Story Here |
John Gideon A collection of articles from local and national media that cover voting issues